Why doesn't my website successfully get added to Bizeem Traffic?

Before you submit your website, please check if it falls within any of the following:

  • Sites with illegal activity
  • Non-English websites/banners/text ads
  • Website attempting to automatically download files (videos, audio, and any other kind of files).
  • Frame-breaking sites.
  • Viruses, trojans, or spyware.
  • Adult content.
  • Some rotators (may be promoted only if all sites or banners in rotation comply with these terms)
  • HYIPs or "investment autosurfs". These are illegal in most countries, including the United States.
  • PTP sites.

If your website doesn't fall under the categories mentioned above and your website is still being rejected by our site-checker, it may be caused by one of the following:

1. The "Too Large" error: This means that your website is either looping or contains too many characters in its code (happens with WordPress themes mostly). To resolve this, make sure your page is not looping and is of static nature. If you are running a WordPress website, create a new page, like a landing page. Make the page from scratch by using a "Blank Template" which will not include all the header/footer and excess CSS styles inside the page. Then add the newly-created page to Bizeem Traffic account of yours.

2. The domain is banned: This means that the domain you are trying to add has been centrally banned by our website checker. Please don't try to shorten the URL to be able to add the website anyway.

3. Too many redirects: This is also not allowed on our website because it may remove the surf frame and irritate other people coming across your webpage.


If you are still wondering why you can't add your page to your Bizeem Design & Traffic account, please send us a support ticket via the footer link available inside your dashboard on Bizeem Design & Traffic .

NOTE: If the content of your submitted website is changed in a way that it breaks any of the rules here on this page, it will be banned and your account might be suspended.

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