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How to prepare a site for promotion on a traffic exchange

First off, you must realize that promoting on traffic exchanges is not a way to get people to read long pages full of text and images. When you promote a page on TEs, you actually want them to see a snapshot into the world you are trying to present. Here are some tips and tricks for making the best out of promoting your business/opportunity on TEs:

  • Make sure your content for the link you are sharing is short, really short. It should inspire people to fall in love with it within a few seconds and take action by interacting with your CTA.
  • Make sure your page is not being tracked by Google or other search engines. You don't want Google to think that people are constantly leaving your page after a few seconds. This will avoid higher bounce rates for your whole website. Read more on this in another knowledgebase article we have.
  • Make sure your CTAs (call-to-action) open in a new window/tab. This is important because you don't want people to feel you interrupted their surfing.
  • Make sure your website doesn't redirect. URL shorteners usually redirect your site once or twice before the user actually reaches the page you intended. This might be invisible to a regular user, but it's happening and it will prevent your website from being rotated for others to see.

We will keep this article updated with newer tips and tricks in the future. You can also contact us by clicking Submit A Ticket at our Bizeem Traffic footer.
